Thursday, 29 August 2013

Do what you can...

It's been a crazy week at work, but thankfully I think that makes the good things seem that much better.
On Monday morning I had planned on going to a Petro Canada station and giving a way a $50 gift card.  I figure, most people have scrambled or rushed Monday mornings, and it would start somebody's week off with a pleasant surprise.  I'm not sure why, but when I set out to do so I had to go to two different stations, and neither one felt "right".  Now, I'm not saying that I'm picking and choosing, or profiling who I do these "acts of kindness" for, but... do you ever get that gut feeling that maybe it isn't the right time?  Well, I did.  And so on Monday, I ended up going to work feeling discouraged and like I had let someone down.  I know that logically, I didn't disappoint anyone because nobody was expecting it, but I did disappoint myself.  I've started to feel like maybe I've given myself unrealistic expectations of how this will unfold, so I'm now taking a step back and trying not to OVER plan it.  Yes, I need to give it some thought, but I think that my instincts will play an important role here too.  May it was the universe's way of telling me "not yet- there's someone else who needs it more" I really don't know. 
When I got to work, I was feeling disappointed but decided to carry on.  At our work there's this rewards system where you can give eachother points once a month for good work or team work and so on...and then redeem your points for gift cards or other items.  One of my co-workers actually sent some my way and thanked me for telling him about my little project.  I didn't think I really deserved it, but it just so happened that it brought me to my next "rewards level" and allowed me to make a donation (which I didn't know I could do until he informed me of it!) So, there it was... my Monday opportunity to do some good.  I "cashed" in my points and made a $50 donation to the Ottawa Humane Society. 
Sure, it wasn't a lot... but it was what I could do, and I think that what I need to try and remember is that we can only do what we can do and that really it's the thought that counts.  I'm not saying I quit. I'm not saying I plan on stopping any time soon.  But I think I need to be more reasonable, and take baby steps.  I honestly just hope that I'm motivating others to do a little bit as well, and that the little acts of kindness will spread and become something bigger.
I'm just some girl, but I honestly think that if we work together we can make a difference.
What little things will you do today?
xoxo JSG

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