Friday, 30 August 2013

Does NOT take much to start the weekend right

Well, on my way home getting ready for the long weekend I realized that sometimes omission can also be an act of kindness.

I was going through the Tim Horton's drive thru and I kid you not, 2 seconds after receiving my order the lady behind me decided to lay into her horn. Really? 2 seconds? I was just putting my stuff down so I could drive!!

Honestly I hate that my first reaction was something along the lines of "what the $&#%" I really just wanted to get out of my car and lay into her.  Thankfully I remembered what I'm trying to do here, so I pulled out and carried on, with an apologetic wave in my rear view mirror... Sometimes kindness is having patience and not giving into our knee-jerk reactions.  For all I know the woman was having a rough day (I mean, hey we all do... And I won't pretend that I'm 100% patient 100% of the time)

I hope that this will remind us all to have a little patience, I mean... It does go both ways.

Once I got home I was feeling extra inspired.  It's a long weekend and raining out, let's start it out right!  I've had this Petro gift card burning a hole in my pocket for a while now just waiting for the right moment to use it and tonight was the night.

I went to a Petro Canada at Woodroffe and Fallowfield and waited for a while but it didn't feel right. Too many people in a hurry, the vibe just wasn't there... So I turned around and went to one about 5 minutes away.  There were a bunch of cars but something just felt right.  After parking my car, I went into the store to get some snacks for the weekend (I didn't really need any but... Believe it or not you get some interesting looks if you're sitting in your car parked at a gas station just watching people and looking around lol)
While I was inside purchasing my things I got to ask the cashier whether or not a car at one of the pumps had already paid ( I know... I was suspicious enough already... I'm sure he thought I was crazy.  Thankfully he was very nice about it) the answer was no!  I couldn't see the person gassing up so I figure what a great way to pick someone at random!  I explained what I wanted to do and asked him to wait until the customer finished pumping before ringing me through and that I wanted to use my gift card and then pay the difference in cash.  It was really hard not to freak out when the customer walked in the door... And I really wanted to stick around and see what happened, but after paying I ran out to my car and drive away quickly.  I have to admit I was really glad that I caught a glimpse of the man from my rear view mirror, smiling!

What a great way to start the long weekend... I hope each of you is as happy this weekend as I am right now!! 

Have a safe and super weekend, spread some love and kindness :)

I'm Just some girl, learning more as I go along!

Xoxo JSG

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Blood donation....

I just received a rather informative call from Canadian Blood Services. All was well with the donation I made last week, and I now FINALLY know my blood type!  I'm AB negative, apparently it's pretty rare and only 0.5% of Canadians have it.  What I also found out was that even though I am able to provide for people with A and B blood types, I can only receive from my own, and the other rare O negative! 

The call definitely made me even happier about what I am doing, and really want to spread the word even more- we NEED more blood donors.  While we were on the phone I learned that ONLY 4% of ELIGIBLE Canadian blood donors actually donate, and that makes me really sad. 

I've already made my appointment for the first day I'm allowed to donate again (I'm a bit disappointed that it is so far away, since you can only donate every 56 days) and I hope this has inspired some of you to donate (or try) as well!

We are a country in need, and this is one of those really simple and easy things that we can do to help out and give back.

Do what you can...

It's been a crazy week at work, but thankfully I think that makes the good things seem that much better.
On Monday morning I had planned on going to a Petro Canada station and giving a way a $50 gift card.  I figure, most people have scrambled or rushed Monday mornings, and it would start somebody's week off with a pleasant surprise.  I'm not sure why, but when I set out to do so I had to go to two different stations, and neither one felt "right".  Now, I'm not saying that I'm picking and choosing, or profiling who I do these "acts of kindness" for, but... do you ever get that gut feeling that maybe it isn't the right time?  Well, I did.  And so on Monday, I ended up going to work feeling discouraged and like I had let someone down.  I know that logically, I didn't disappoint anyone because nobody was expecting it, but I did disappoint myself.  I've started to feel like maybe I've given myself unrealistic expectations of how this will unfold, so I'm now taking a step back and trying not to OVER plan it.  Yes, I need to give it some thought, but I think that my instincts will play an important role here too.  May it was the universe's way of telling me "not yet- there's someone else who needs it more" I really don't know. 
When I got to work, I was feeling disappointed but decided to carry on.  At our work there's this rewards system where you can give eachother points once a month for good work or team work and so on...and then redeem your points for gift cards or other items.  One of my co-workers actually sent some my way and thanked me for telling him about my little project.  I didn't think I really deserved it, but it just so happened that it brought me to my next "rewards level" and allowed me to make a donation (which I didn't know I could do until he informed me of it!) So, there it was... my Monday opportunity to do some good.  I "cashed" in my points and made a $50 donation to the Ottawa Humane Society. 
Sure, it wasn't a lot... but it was what I could do, and I think that what I need to try and remember is that we can only do what we can do and that really it's the thought that counts.  I'm not saying I quit. I'm not saying I plan on stopping any time soon.  But I think I need to be more reasonable, and take baby steps.  I honestly just hope that I'm motivating others to do a little bit as well, and that the little acts of kindness will spread and become something bigger.
I'm just some girl, but I honestly think that if we work together we can make a difference.
What little things will you do today?
xoxo JSG

Monday, 26 August 2013

Weekend Update... Act of kindness or just being a friend?

Hmm.. for some reason my Friday update didn’t get posted until today, which means that my weekend update is now falling on the same day as my end of week update, but that’s okay! I’m a bit torn about whether or not I consider this to be one of my “acts of kindness” because, really the way I see it I was just doing a favor for a friend. 


A friend of mine had been trying to make a date with a guy, but they had been having a hard time setting a day because of conflicting schedules (he had work when she was free, when he was free she had the kids!)  Usually my Friday nights are reserved for “date night” but last week I decided that my girlfriend deserved a date night too, so I volunteered to babysit her two kids for her.  I feel like I should probably note a) that I’ve never met her kids before, and b) I haven’t babysat in…oh, I don’t know… something like 8 years? I was TERRIFIED of what they would do to me, would they like me? Would they hate me? Would they try to make me cry? I had no way of knowing, but it was a risk I was willing to take for my friend.  I’m pleased to report that not only did the date go well, but the kids were well behaved and nobody ended the day traumatized (I don’t think!) I don’t think I count this as one of my “25” but maybe it can be #26 (you know, for good luck?)


On Saturday, I went to get breakfast.  The grand total came up to something like $9.00 and I gave my waiter a $20 and told him to keep the change. I honestly thought he might poop himself… This one may not seem like a big deal, but a tip that is more than 100% seems to mean a lot to some people!


On Sunday I didn’t actually COMPLETE one of my “acts” but I did get the ball rolling and started putting together more bags of clothes that I can donate to the Salvation Army (or Canadian Diabetes… I haven’t decided yet. Possibly a bag to each), so I am hoping to have all of that done by the end of the week so that I can drop them off… but it was a start!


As you can see, not everything I am doing has to do with money, and sometimes I think that those gifts are even better (the ones without money, I mean!)  I’m hoping to have more to update soon, and even more so I’m hoping that I’m inspiring some of you to do the little things.  Even holding a door open makes a difference!!


I’m just some girl, and I’m hoping that some of you out there are sharing the kindness with me!


Xoxo JSG


End of the week- Montana's surprise

I've been trying to decide how to write this one up, realizing now that maybe blogging about everything I have done defeats the purpose of being anonymous, thinking that somehow telling people about what I'm doing takes away from the bigger picture... But I guess if it spreads the word on kindness and shows others how easy it is to change someone's day, it's worthwhile.

On Friday at lunchtime a coworker and I decided we wanted to have lunch from Montana's. I had recently received a gift card and was planning to treat him (it has been both of our birthdays on Wednesday) but he refused to let me.  Naturally, I saw this as an opportunity to do something for someone else and pay it forward.  

We ordered ahead so that we could so a takeout and bring it back to work, so a soon as we got there I started to look around. I wasn't sure who or what I was looking for, but trusted that once I saw them I would know. And I did.  A woman with two children sitting in a booth drawing on the paper tablemat caught my eye, and over I went.  Before I got to them my mind was racing about what I would say, knowing that some people would think I was crazy to just walk up and give them a 50$ gift card.  
In hindsight, I might have been better off to give the giftcard to one if the waiters, but this was the one gift where I actually got to see a reaction.

I awkwardly explained how it had been my birthday and I had been given a lot and how I wanted to pay it forward and share the kindness I had received... And then told them I wanted them to have this gift card.  The woman was taken aback, surprised that someone would do that, and then I formed me that it was her son's birthday that day!! As if it couldn't get any better, she insisted on giving me a hug.  My day was made.

Giving to somebody who wasn't expecting it and then discovering they were out for a birthday... It was priceless! Honestly I don't think anything else feels as good as giving someone else a gift, I couldn't stop shaking.

I'm not suggesting everyone do the exact same, but it's the little things that feel good to do.  If you're reading this, I hope you'll try to make someone smile today.  Share some love, share some kindness... It doesn't take a lot to make a little difference.

I'm just some girl, and I somehow did it... You can too!

Xoxo JSG

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Picture updates!

As promised...

Most people I've talked to who haven't given blood have held off because they're afraid. Honestly, it's not that bad! Sunburns hurt worse, even mosquito bites hurt more...I'm such a big wimp, if I can do it- so can you!!

As promised here is are some pictures of the gift baskets that I brought to the hospital last night. I never got to see the  reactions of the families who received them, but the appreciation even just from the nurses who held onto them for me was more than enough.

The little things really do go a long way and I can only hope that I've made someone smile or brightened up their day!

What kind of little things have you done lately? I'm just some girl... But we can do it together!

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

First Quest: Complete!

So... I just got back from completing my first task- donating blood.  I won't lie, I was terrified and had tried to enlist multiple friends to come and donate with me, but sadly of my group that set out to complete this mission, I ended up being the only one able to donate. That's okay though, it just meant I had more support.

The process itself was a bit long but worth it, I feel great knowing that I was able to contribute and do my part-  however small or insignificant it may seem.

I took some photos that I will post tomorrow, but for now... I'm finishing up the final touches for my second task!

Tonight I will be going to the hospital where I was born with two gift baskets. One for the first girl, one for the first boy- born on my birthday (tomorrow)!

I sometimes ask myself "how do you decide who is deserving?" Well, simply you don't.  All I can do is hope that I make a difference to somebody and that the kindness will spread. 

I just hope that the gifts are well received and that I can make someone smile... After all, I am just some girl hoping to change the world...

Xoxo JSG
Spread the love!

Monday, 19 August 2013

The First Step...

I didn't expect this little "birthday project" to be easy, but I don't think I expected it to be so hard...

The hardest part so far has been coming up with ways to make a difference...the little things that go a long way!

Today I got a head start and I made an appointment to donate blood. I'm not going to say this is a big deal, but it is a big deal to me- I hate needles.  My fears aside, there is a serious need for blood donors and I believe that this one of those times that every little bit helps. Tomorrow I will be making my first donation, and moving forward I hope to be a regular donor. If anyone is following this and wanting to make a difference too, I think this is a good place to start, and I encourage anyone who is able to do it too- you could help save a life!

I'm just one person, I'm just some girl, but together we can make a difference!

Until next time,

JSG xoxo

Friday, 16 August 2013

The Birthday Project: How it started

Under normal circumstances, I would start a new blog by introducing myself and where I'm from or what I do. Today, I'm just some girl. Who I am is not important, what I do isn't important either... Or at least it hasn't been, until now.

My 25th birthday is just around the corner (I won't say when, because that doesn't matter) and my current circumstances have forced me to think about life and the world around me.  It makes me so sad to see so many people taking the little things for granted when there are so many people with nothing.  I hate watching as someone could struggle to open a door with their arms full while the people nearby do nothing. What is our world coming to when we can't, or won't, help the people around us? Even when it's convenient to do so!

I'm not saying that I'm a saint. I've been labelled as spoiled and seen as materialistic. I've harboured grudges and turned my back on friends or those who have wronged me, regardless of why. I've been self absorbed and hurtful.... But I don't want to be that person any more. 

I'm not really sure what brought about this desire to be a better person. I could have coasted by, doing the bare minimum, thinking "hey I should do more" but never acting on it, I could turn the other way if I see someone being wronged... Or I could stop, and make a difference. 

In the spirit of trying to make a difference, I want to start with myself. For my 25th year of life I'm setting out to do a series of 25 acts of kindness. So, maybe 25 isn't a lot, and maybe it won't make a difference, but it's making me think about what I'm doing. It's making me consciously make the effort!  It's a start.

This weekend I will be preparing for my first act (the one I'm most excited for!) that starts the night before my birthday, really.

Follow my blog and share the kindness.   I'm just some girl, but if we all do a little something, it can go a long way!

Xoxo JSG